How to Become a Criminal Investigator With the Bridgeport
Police Department

As part of a large metropolitan combined statistical area, Bridgeport sees a higher rate of violent crime than other cities of a similar size. The Bridgeport Police Department is well poised to respond to these serious incidents with its specially-designated Detective Bureau. Comprised of experienced criminal investigators, each year this division is called upon to bring justice in over 1,500 violent crimes including more than a dozen homicides. The Detective Bureau is responsible for investigating offenses such as:

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  • Domestic violence and aggravated assault
  • Homicide, murder, and suspicious death
  • Crimes against children
  • Financial crimes
  • Gang activity
  • Narcotics trafficking and distribution

Preparing to Become a Criminal Investigator with the Bridgeport Police Department

Gaining a foundation in the theory and practice of the investigative field can be a strategic move for those considering long-term detective jobs. As a demonstration of the importance the Bridgeport Police Department places on a college education, it offers a liberal tuition reimbursement program for its employees who wish to study for a degree in a field that will improve their job performance. Officers who earn a C grade or better are eligible to receive a full tuition reimbursement to complete a college degree in the following fields:

  • Police Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Forensic Science
  • Law Enforcement
  • Public Administration
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Psychology
  • Computer Science

Before moving up to detective positions, candidates will first need to become police officers with the Bridgeport Police Department. To do this, applicants will need to possess the following:

  • US citizenship and at least 21 years of age
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Upstanding moral character, as evidenced from a background investigation and drug test

Moving Up in the Ranks to Become a Detective

To become a detective with the Bridgeport Police Department, officers must first work in the Patrol Division for at least one year. After this amount of time they will be eligible to take a detective civil service test for promotion to the Detective Bureau. Preparation materials for this exam as well as instructions on how to register are posted on the city’s Civil Service webpage as well as within the Bridgeport Police Department. Appointments to the Detective Bureau are based on a candidate’s exam score as well as seniority.

After candidates are promoted into criminal investigator jobs with the department they can look forward to additional advancements and annual salary increases:

  • Police Officer – $60,469
  • Police Detective – $68,391
  • Police Sergeant – $69,537
  • Police Lieutenant – $79,967
  • Police Captain – $91,965
  • Police Deputy Chief – $105,760

Criminal Investigator Training Requirements with the Detective Bureau

Training in the field of investigations begins when a police officer is initially hired and attends the basic training academy. Patrol officers are often the first law enforcement officials to make an investigation and determine if more advanced scrutiny is needed, and therefore must be skilled when it comes to examining crime scenes and interviewing witnesses or suspects. More advanced detective training can be pursued as part of in-service training opportunities, and as officers move to the rank of detective they will have additional investigative training opportunities provided by the Bridgeport Police Department as well as outside agencies. Advanced training can cover a wide swath of topics from conducting undercover investigations to child pornography stings.

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